I have been playing trumpet for two years in America. I started playing in Italy in November at a middle school that had a music institute with an orchestra. I played in the orchestra and there were a lot of guitars and flutes. I was the only trumpet player, the only American there, and the only brass horn in the orchestra. My mom and me went over to the school and asked where Professor Tringale was. He is my professor for trumpet, and he plays the saxaphone. we started playing twice a week for an hour each. When I started, it was weird, because I felt like I was only noticing the bad things about the music school, like the fact that I didn't know the songs as well as other people, or that I was the youngest player.
But then the second day, I started noticing only the good things about it, like I was the only the trumpet player, and that that is a big responsibility, and that I really didn't have to know the whole song, right away, because if I messed up, the whole orchestra is playing, and you are only one person out of thirty people. And then, since I had joined the orchestra late, in November, I ended up having four lessons a week, plus the orchestra rehearsals, so I was playing four days a week for about two hours a day. I've never played so much trumpet in one month, I played so much more than I've ever played. My trumpet playing got a lot better, and I got to know the other people in the orchestra. I was excited because it was the first time playing in an orchestra. But my lips got worn out way faster, because it takes a lot of energy to use your lips all that time. At the end of the first week, I couldn't even practice the entire time, because my lips hurt so much. But that got better later, because my lips got stronger.
The songs we were practicing were for a December Christmas concert. At first I thought we were going to paly one concert. But no, it turned out to be a lot. It turned out to be about thirteen concerts. Three times at my school, nine of them were at these really small, pretty churches that were all around Catania, at then one was at the Teatro Edwin Piscatore. I played four songs, "White Christmas", "Si am Pastori e Pastorelle", which is a Sicilian song, "Adestes Fideles", which is "Oh
Come All Ye Faithful", and "Jingle Bells". And for Jingle Bells, I had to introduce it to the whole audience in Italian, and my Professor put me up in the front of the orchestra behind me. I was really nervous because all these people were going to see me, and I might play a wrong note and it would get all messed up. And it turned out I played most of the notes right, and I had a lot of fun. I want to do more, and there actually are more concerts during the month of May.