Friday, September 18, 2009

First Day of School

Today was our first day of school!

We got up at about 7:00 and got dressed in our school uniforms.
Then we walked to our school and saw alot of kids wearing uniforms and parents along the way. There were two policemen stopping traffic so kids and parents could get across Viale Vittorio Veneto. We wandered into the school courtyard trying to find a teacher or find the right place to stand in line. Finally we found another American girl who was in Rogan's class, named Ellie. She had been to Mario Rapisardi School for three years, so she was fluent in Italian. She helped Rogan a little bit. Then we found the vice principal, also Rogan's mathematics teacher who took me and Rogan around to find our classrooms. After about ten minutes, we found a third grade classroom that had room for me. We had math first, and I had alot of fun. My math teacher left, and we had a snack. Then we had writing. Writing was not as fun as math but still okay.


  1. Congratulations on your first day of school!
    It seems weird that it started on a Friday! Did you find the pool? Do any of the Italian kids speak any English? Do any of the teachers speak any English? Where do you live? Do you have an address? Do you have a phone line? Is your Nonni nearby?
    Love Aunt Caroline

  2. You look just as Italian as all the other kids. When you can speak the language everyone will think you are 100% Italian instead of 50%. You will probably think that I look funny when I see you in February. You will say, Look at that foreigner! You thought that you would like math, and you were right! Did you even know what you were writing? Love, Grandma

  3. you guys look great and we know you will have a great time in school after the initial shock!
    all the best,
    anna and gabe, nina and giona

  4. So you guys must have had another day of school by now. I hope you have found the pool. I hope some of the people speak English. Your mom really misses you, as do we all. I hope you like where you are living, assuming that you ARE, in fact, living some place. I hope that it is not too hot. Or not too weird. Rogan - did you ever get Age of Empires? Let me know. Would especially like an address.
    Love, Aunt Caroline

  5. Hi Rogan and Domenica,

    This is Mommy. Now I get to be a follower too! Are you going to write us all a blog on Livio's place? I miss you and love you MADLY.

    See you soon. Mommy

  6. Hi Rogan and Domenica,

    This is Augie and Rusha. We are trying to SKYPE you but your internet connection is down. Hope you liked your first Day of School! Rusha is learning Tae Kwon Do, and Augie is playing a lot of tennis. Augie says his teacher just had a baby. We miss you a lot and everyday, we think about what we would be doing if you guys were here. Love, Augie and Rusha.

  7. I just got your blog address and have caught up on all the wonderful adventures you are having in Italy. We miss you here but we can see that you are seeing and doing so much there. Keep on blogging.
    Denise and Tom
