There were lemon trees, about twelve different kinds of lemons, and about five different kinds of orange trees. There weren't any limes, which was suprprising. She showed us these very long cucumber things that were super super long. They grow them that long because they were growing them for seed. They hung straight down from bamboo things. There was a tomato patch, and a few ripe ones. She let us pick some. They were delicious. There were a few pistachio trees (pis-TAK-chio) and alomnd trees.
There were a few caves, and we climbed in them. They were very early churches. The priest or whatever would preach inside the cave, and the people who wanted to hear the mass would be below the cave, listening. There was a yard of space below for them. The cave was built into the rock, above the yard. It was around the 2nd or the 4th century AD.
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