Saturday night
We just arrived! We are going to a swordfish festival, the Pesce Spada in Aci Trezza. Here are some pictures! Here we watching them grill the swordfish. This is the best swordfish we've ever had, and the fisrt swordfish we've ever eaten. A very important thing about it was that it had to be 3/8 of an inch thick to grill right and to

I LOVE what you've written so far. Keep telling us what you're doing. When I was in Paris I made funny mistakes trying to speak French so you have to let us know how you're doing with Italian. (One night I asked the waiter for my sweater because I was cold, but I said 'hot' not cold so he was very confused). It sounds like every day is a new adventure. The swordfish sounds wonderful. Keep track of your favorite food so when I come we can visit them. Seattle has been very warm. We will get a new mayor in the Fall after one more election so maybe the viaduct will come down faster, or slower. Who knows. Write more, love Linda