Today we went to Cefalu. Cefalu is a city with a Norman church that looks like a castle from the outside. The church was made by Roger the II, and then he died, so he didn't get to finish his church that he was making. It had a lot of different busts of other rulers from other times, because it taken over by many different rulers later on. You could see everything from Greek and Roman ruins that Roger built on, and then later, other rulers from Sicily including French and Spanish rulers. You could see al these styles in one church.
The part that King Roger the II finished, was the mosaics. The mosaics were made of small pieces, with gold-leaf on top. King Roger the II didn't have any people who did this kind of mosaics, so he brought people from Constantinople to do the work. They had to do it their way, because that was the way they had been taught.

The mosaics were in bands of different people, going up in importance. So, Jesus was on top. Jesus was holding a bible, and his hand was making the sign of a blessing, that is still used today. The sign is when your thumb is touching your little finger and ring finger, and you point it towards the person you are blessing.
Hi Rogan and Domenica - I LOVE your descriptions of the places you've been. Much more exciting than buying dinner at Pike Place! I am learning so much about Italy from reading of your adventures. Happy birthday Rogan - you will always remember this day and that you got to each your favorite dinner. Have you found any soccer tee shirts yet? Domenica - I haven't heard a word from you about eating octopus. Are you both shooting video we can see when you return?
ReplyDeleteHave you found a permanent apartment? Have you visited your new school yet? I imagine school is starting soon.
Fall is coming to Seattle and today was very rainy. I am going to Los Angeles in a few weeks because Joshua will show some of his photographs at gallery there. We will drive back to Seattle, with stops in San Francisco and Portland and it will be fun. But you are realizing how new the United States is when you visit a very old country like Italy so my adventure will not be nearly as exciting as yours but I will enjoy spending time with Josh. Linda
It would be fascinating to be an archeologist and separate all the different ages of civilizations that built churches/mosques, etc. on the same site. There is a place like that in India that the Muslims and the Hindus have been fighting over for centuries. It is just a hole in the ground but they think it is a holy hole. Love, Grandma
ReplyDeleteDear Rogan,
ReplyDeleteI should send You very delayed happy birthday greetings from Max. His school is starting today (monday)!. And Yours? Good luck!!
Max, Gabi, Franz, Vienna
Dear Linda,
ReplyDeleteThis is Rogan. I've done a couple of FLIP videos of our house that we are staying in now. So far we have not found a permanent house, but we have been looking very hard. We have seen about 15 apartments so far. Some of the apartments are not in good locations,some of them are not charming, some of them are not ready to live in, some are too small, some need a lot of work. But we think we are very close on a couple. We have seen a couple of soccer teeshirts, but have not gotten any. The school name is Mario Rapisardi. It is a block away from our current house. But, when we move it will be farther, since we are looking for a house near the center of town. Today we are going to visit the principal. When we visit the principal, we are going to get a big list of things that we need to get. School starts on the 18th. I am very excited and scared. I hope you know what I mean. When are you coming to visit?
Hope to see you soon, Rogan.